(partes do enredo são contadas)
Hi everybody!
I've just watched the episode fourteen! It was really cool!
But let's focus a little bit on english learning...
Beginning from the title, which is "the vessel". What's the first word that comes to your mind when you want to translate "navio"? Of course it is "ship", but it can also be translated as "vessel". This word can be "embarcação" or "barco" too.
However, the most curious and interesting thing is that "vessel" can be "receptáculo" as well, and it is in this episode that Sam and Dean discover that Lucifer is in Castiel's body.
- So, we all know that translation is not very efficient in terms of aquiring a second language, but sometimes it is necessary, especially to interpret metaphors in English.
For example: "You came when the trees' leaves were falling" translated as "Você veio no outono", does not give us the opportunity to understand and interpret the sentence.
Saying this, it's time to do a translation exercise! Try to translate preserving the metaphors and expressions.
(these sentences are taken from this episode)
"Cat is out": _________________________
"We could... shake the trees to find her":_____________________
"Don't touch it barehanded": ______________________________
"Lucifer?" "In the flesh": _________________________________
Expression used: When Sam reveals to Dean that Castiel is Lucifer, the arcanjo says: "Cat's out", coming from the expression:
- let the cat out of the bag: means that a secret has been revealed, usually unintentionally, similar to the expression "to spill the beans." Can also be expressed as "the cat is out of the bag." In: http://pt.urbandictionary.com/
* approached skills: reading, writing, translation.